Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Juveniles in adult prisons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Juveniles in adult prisons - Essay ExampleMisbehaving novels are often not spared the incarceration process for their criminal activities.As a result,they are punished with the corresponding penalties for their criminal actions.There are,however,major issues raised in the incarceration of juveniles, especially if their incarceration is in adult prisons. One of these issues is the fact that juveniles are exposed to different types of abuses in these adult prisons. These abuses may move through physical, emotional, and even sexual abuse. They are also exposed to another(prenominal) criminal elements in these prisons which often grass them even worse offenders upon their release. Based on 2005 statistics, there were about 2200 youths in adult prisons in the US. bulk of these youths were serving life sentences without possibility of parole for crimes they committed when they were minors (Campaign for Youth Justice, n.d). Studies also indicate that juveniles in adult prisons are twic e more likely to be beaten up by a staff or by another inmate and they are 50% more likely to be attacked with a weapon (Campaign for Youth Justice, n.d). Considering these circumstances, this paper shall now critically evaluate and discuss the issue of juveniles in adult prisons. This paper shall be conducted in order to establish a comprehensive and thorough epitome of the issue and its appurtenant highlights for improvement. Discussion The juvenile justice system was conceptualized about a hundred years ago in order to safeguard children from the abuses they were previously subjected to in adult prisons (Schiraldi and Zeidenberg, 1997). Trends indicated that in the traditional system, the children were often returned to society as hardened criminals. A juvenile system was therefore devised for juveniles in order to check off that they would be housed in centers different from adult offenders where they can undergo rehabilitation, retraining, and other appropriate reformation p rocesses. However, in recent years, due to the increase in the number of juvenile offenders, as well as the displace of juvenile detention centers, moves to incarcerate juvenile offenders with adult offenders harbor been suggested (Schiraldi and Zeidenberg, 1997). Needless to say, that this suggestion has been met with much immunity from child advocates, law enforcement officers, criminologists, and other interest groups. They primarily point out that placing juveniles in adult jails would have negative and detrimental effects on the juveniles, especially as their incarceration seems to exacerbate the criminal air of these juveniles after their release. Law enforcement officers are one of the first to point out that locking up a juvenile with murderers, rapists, and robbers promotes the same future criminal behavior among incarcerated juveniles. These officers also point out that for the most part, juvenile offenders need proper adult guidance from appropriate role models. And t hese appropriate role models would hardly be found in these adult jails (Dilulio, 1996, as cited by Schiraldi and Zeidenberg, 1997). Surveys also document instances of juveniles being subjected to various. In fact, in Ohio, a juvenile placed in an adult jail for a minor infraction was reportedly assaulted by a deputy jailer and in another case, in Kentucky, 30 minutes in a jail cell prompted a 15 year old to hang himself (Schiraldi and Zeidenberg, 1997). Four other deaths were seen in Kentucky jails among juveniles who were incarcerated with adults for various minor offenses (Schiraldi and Zeidenberg, 1997). In the paper by Sapp and Reddington, (1997) the authors have established that the number of juveniles in adults jails have increased in recent years. Based on some laws passed, some states have already revised their transfer laws first, by decreasing the age of by which these juveniles can be transferred to adult jails and chip by expanding the criminal activities which merit a dult jail

Monday, April 29, 2019

Project Life Cycle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project Life Cycle - Essay ExampleDuring this stage a suitable response to the problem is documented in a business case alongside recommendations that exposit solution alternatives. Feasibility study comes handy to examine if each alternative addresses objectives of the project before devising the final recommendation. In the feasibility the police squad asks the question can we do the project?And in apology the question should we do the project? is asked.Planning is the next stage that serves to further develop the project solution. Here, the team makes a detail study of the work as it identifies the project steps and resource requirements and at the resembling time come up with a working strategy to help meet the set goals. To effect this, the team comes up with an outline of the tasks, activities, dependencies and timeframes. It is this point where the project manager develops the project budget to help look and monitor expenditure during implementation stage. Together all t his is referred to as the scope management.The other important love is risk management, an aspect which looks into matters that pose possible threats to the whole process. Here, high-threat potential problems argon established along with the measures that are to be taken (Kanda, 2011). Finally, the project manager documents a character plan detailing on quality targets, control measures, and assurance alongside an acceptance plan.During this third stage, the project plan is set on proceeding to carry out the task of the project as the team monitors the progress and make necessary adjustments, which are also recorded as variations from the original plan. In addition, this stage involves reporting on progress by means of regular team meetings. The information gathered here helps to maintain control over the path taken by the project through analysis of activities performance when comparing the output to the project plan. .Status reports delivered in

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Business Letter Packet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Business Letter Packet - Assignment ExampleLawrence University. The company offers both retail and whole sale of the computers specifically for e-learning at a considerate affordable and cheap price. Therefore, the think audiences are high in St. Lawrence University who have introduced e-learning in their curriculum. The contents of the letter begin with a cordial address to the intended audience, and it is the major focus of the company selling dell computers to St. Lawrence University. In order to get the attention of the University, promotional strategies are adopted such as 30% force out offers and other unique after sale services such as shift Internet provision and maintenance for the first three months. exclusively of them are attributed to the large number of the computers to be supplied at once. The importance of this letter is to assure St. Lawrence University that the computers are affordable, cheap, promptly available, and of high quality. A number of computer m odels and specifications are precisely presented in order to ease the clock taken and an easy perusal. To enhance clients surety it is all important(predicate) to provide other companies and clients reviews (Sundararajan 26). It is important to provide the company official address and the customer care disturbs such as emails and phone song (Sundararajan 80). St. Lawrence University P.O Box.. Our Company sales computers designed for e-learning on retail and wholesale at a synthesis of 30%. After your purchase we also offer after sale services for our customers which are free Internet provision, installation and maintenance services for a period of three months after the purchase. We have been in operation for the last 20 years, and we are the key computer suppliers to various banks and academic institutions all over the country. The following shows the range of products that our company sales on retail as well as wholesale. figurer MODELS SPECICATIONS PRICE press forward (GHZ ) RAM (MB) great(p) disk (GB) HP Computers 2.8 512 40 70 USD 3.0 512 80 65 USD 2.8 1GB 40 75 USD 3.0 1GB 80 80 USD Dell Computers Speed (GHZ) RAM (MB) hard disk (GB) 2.8 512 40 65 USD 3.0 512 80 68 USD 2.8 1GB 40 72 USD 3.0 1GB 80 75 USD IBM Computers Speed (GHZ) RAM (MB) hard disk (GB) 2.8 512 40 70 USD 3.0 512 80 68 USD 2.8 1GB 40 74 USD 3.0 1GB 80 76 USD Toshiba Computers Speed (GHZ) RAM (MB) hard disk (GB) 2.8 512 40 70 USD 3.0 512 80 75 USD 2.8 1GB 40 74 USD 3.0 1GB 80 75 USD TFT SCREENS 15 inch 55 USD 17 inch 60 USD 20 inch 65 USD MOUSE 3 USD Computer software and applications are sold and free installation and maintenance offered for a period of three months. We remind you that we will be selling at a super discount prices for those who have made purchases before the opening of summer holidays. For more information or inqueries you can contact us through Website www.terrix.com Phone number +2501545722 FUNDRAISING LETTER This letter will be written in the scenario context of the St. Lawrence University wishing to conduct fundraising to facilitate the purchase of the e-learning computers. The letter begins with the emerging concern on the penury to accommodate and gather computers for students who wish to pursue distance learning within the University online. This program will modify many students far away from the University to pursue their studies conveniently. In the letter it is important to acknowledge the funding challenges of

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10

Media - Essay lessonA collaboration of linguistic codes of narration, connotations, and text implies the studys identity is Osama bin stiff who is watching himself on television. The production of the audio and implied re presentation in the text conveys a positive image for the U.S government, and demoralizes Osama. This demonstrates political work out in the media. The initial clip was apparently seized at bin Ladens Pakistan compound by U.S military in an operation to terminate Osama. Department of Defense would later supply the tape recording media to CNN with an Obamas picture at the corner and without the audio track because it is seemingly inappropriate to spread the words of terrorist. The clip concerns a subject Osama bin Laden, who features as a terrorist in U.S culture, thus would generate mass audiences influencing CNN to broadcast this report. The crusade forces behind the production of this report are government organizations that have analyzed the meaning and im pact of this tape before supplying it to CNN. Indeed, the U.S Department of Defense made a deliberate mutation to the tape. This manifests government sponsored propaganda as the alteration seeks to justify U.S military presence in Middle East and an effort to portray a positive representation of the U.S government by its successful results on war on terror. The alteration by the U.S Department of Defense and the production of the CNN report demonstrate media production.Were it not for the image of Osama Bin Laden in the report and the involvement of the U.S Department of Defense, the report would have made no news. Actually, Cable countersign Network manipulates the audiences interest by using narration from correspondence to news presentation that guides the reader through connotations and mythology in the text. This demonstrates media textuality. This effectively cements

Friday, April 26, 2019

Usability Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Usability Study - Essay ExampleDespite the slimness, Ipad 2 has a wide screen that makes it possible to view large images. Interestingly, Ipad 2 has only four press buttons. The tracing screen engineering makes it possible for users to command the Ipad 2 by call forthing the screen. Additionally, the machine has an inbuilt accelerometer technology that allows images to be viewed in portrait or landscape view. This means that, when the Ipad is rotated in different orientations, images retain upright.Ipad 2 is one of the quickest and fastest mobile application machines. This is made possible by the sacred dual-core A5 microchip. Ipad 2 is therefore, able to multitask, provide high performance graphics, surf, and perform opposite multiple functions with exemplary speeds. Notably, the Ipad has ii miniature photographic cameras, one at the front and the other at the back. Although they are small, they are very powerful. The camera at the front is use for face time video calling. Th is means that the Ipad tail end be used for real time video conferencing. The other camera is used for taking photos and videos.It is worth noting that the hundreds of applications that are back up by Ipad 2 are made possible by its operating system. Ipad 2 uses the most advanced(a) mobile operating system called iOS. The iOS operating system supports various mobile technologies such as the accelerometer, touch screen technology, iCloud among others. One of the most interesting applications features in Ipad 2 is iCloud. The iCloud technology enables the users to move files and data from the Ipad to other electronic devices without having to use a connecting device. The iCloud is a communication platform in which different electronic devices whoremonger communicate wirelessly with the Ipad.The Ipad 2 comes with a Wi-Fi and 3G connection technology, which can support UMTS, HSDPA, HSUPA internet connections. This means that the device can connect to high-speed internet connection p orts fast and seamlessly.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Reflective Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

pondering Paper - Essay ExampleWorkers were given directives by their bosses and, thitherfore, creativity was limited. Workers climbed up the seniority ladder with time. If there were layoffs, the seniors were affected less than the juniors since lay- offs were based on the principle of last in, first out. There was no nigh(a) tie between the pay that one got and their performance, and there were no significant differences among the workers (Michael, 23).In the 1820s, twenty percentage of the population worked for take and salaries but by the year 2000, 90 % worked for organizations, half of them working for big companies. In the 1950s, the relationship between the employees and the companies involved commitment and reciprocity workers were dedicated to the job in return for wages and promotion, and the company was committed to its workers in return for their hard work and loyalty (Michaels,21). Firms invested in their employees by rearing them, developing their skills and promo ting them. This encouraged loyalty by enabling the employees plan on owning their homes and sending their children to schools. For this reason, people stuck with the uniform company for years. In the case of occasional long working hours, the impact was relatively easy to absorb, since women, non in the workforce assisted them with domestic duties. However, this story changed. There was a stable relationship between companies and the employees. By regularly promoting their employees, the companies were able to maintain the stability of this relationship (Michaels 27).With time, the state of business changed and the priorities of the companies, as hearty as the employees, changed. In a global economy, corporations are always competing. Investors are always on the running play to get new opportunities that have higher rates of return, to invest their funds. This makes investors keep moving their funds in and out of countries, companies (Michaels Countries and businesses, therefore , are

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Convincing the selection committee of the college Essay

Convincing the selection committee of the college - Essay ExampleA scholarship adjudicate needs you to recount your personal experiences your major accomplishments, academic and extra-curricular, of the past. The scholarship essay should ide every(prenominal)y highlight skills and qualities that make you different and more eligible for the scholarship than the early(a)s. Considering these elements of a scholarship essay you whitethorn be tempted to conjure up a scholarship essay by yourself, but on the other hand taking into account the importance of a scholarship essay, the fact that it can help you to subscribe that coveted scholarship, it is better not to take any chances. Hence it will extremely wise of you if contribute the writing of the scholarship essay in our able and professional hands. Not only do we tell apart the general rules of writing a scholarship essay, but we actu wholey can write the scholarship essay that is especially suited for your purposes and that will secure you that admission you bear been yearning for. In the many geezerhood that we have been in service we have written innumerable custom scholarship essays and on all these occasions our assistance proved indispensable to students like you. Our team of professional and highly competent writers all with British educational backgrounds is fully aware of what it takes to write an impressive and winning scholarship essay. All you have to do is send in the details of how you want your custom essay to be written and several(prenominal) information about your personal achievements and the skills and qualities that you possess and leave the rest to our writers. All our writers are professionals with at least(prenominal) three or more years of experience in this field. All our writers are British graduates and post-graduates, specialising in their individual fields.